
The ride up Mt Ascension is a lollipop, but the loop is at the bottom and the stem is the part when you turn up the Entertainment Trail to the summit. Go a brief distance on the trail from the upper lot and look for a slight fork. The wood chip path goes right and the singletrack, marked "Eagle Scout Trail" goes left--go left. The first mile is a wonderful, gentle climb. The trail switchbacks up the hill, but maintains a gentle grade and the switchbacks are flat and unintimidating. After about three quarter mile, look for a 5 way intersection. Take the wide trail/road on the right marked "Archery Range Trail". You'll know you're on the right track if you soon see a short, but steep hill. At about 1.5 miles, you'll hit a T marked "Entertainment Trail" Up to this point, this is a great place to take a newby as even the uninitiated/unfit can do this (except for the brief hill just mentioned). For beginners, just head right and follow the easy trail down to the road (one switchback may be a bit spooky for beginners, but won't stress anyone else). For the masochist, extremely strong/fit rider, or someone not adverse to dismountaing and pushing a bit, go left and begin the arduous ascent up Mt Ascension. The trail alternates between very steep and a little less steep, but not so much as to allow you to recover. Eventually, there will be a grade that is exceedingly steep for a good quarter mile and all but the superhuman will dismount, at least for a bit. As you near the ridge, the trail will veer left and follow the ridge out to the overlook atop Mt Ascension at about 3 miles. Return down the Entertainment trail (which is much more entertaining on the descent--your brakes will get a workout), ignoring where you came from on the Archery Range Trail; stay on the Entertainment trail all the way to the road and take the wood chip path back to your car or cross the road and continue your adventure by climbing up Rodney Ridge on the other side of the road.


From Helena, head south out of town on Davis Street. Shortly after the road turns dirt, look for a couple parking areas on the left. First is a very small one, then a slightly larger one. Park at either and look for the wood chip path next to the road.